I haven’t much in substance to contribute by means of this short essay, and I was skeptical at the outset as regards the utility of writing this. I then figured that speculative philosophy is as essential to quotidian life as is substantive realization. The normative element is as crucial as the empirical element, and havingContinue reading “ADVOCATING STATE INTERVENTION AS A LIBERTARIAN”

MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 4: My concluding musings

All of what I have written may give rise to the impression that I am finally at peace after dropping out of that inferno called engineering. That, however, is far from the truth. The tormenting years revisit me to remind me of my unfortunate years. My situation has become so worse as to lead meContinue reading “MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 4: My concluding musings”

MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 3: The current life, and why books are my best friends

Natheless, all having now been settled, I have little to complain against. None of such troubles and worries as may afflict me at present can be contrasted against the years preceding. I have a good circle of friends. I am friends with almost everyone in my class, save for those who do not bother toContinue reading “MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 3: The current life, and why books are my best friends”

MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 2: Hauntings of the Past

11th and 12th grade Often, when there was not much to do, my mind would mechanically reflect over the troubling times I had to endure. Try as I may, I am never completely able to bury this phase of past. The haunting memories trouble me even today, though not occasionally. I seek to clarify thatContinue reading “MY DAYS IN ENCOMPASSMENT PART 2: Hauntings of the Past”


The advent of the internet commenced a new age in the chapters of world history. In a matter of about three decades, the world changed dramatically, be it in terms of ways of living, education and compounded ability to integrate our communications at the international level. With such remarkable progress commenced a more mass-centric paradigmContinue reading “REVIEWING COACH CARTER (2005)”


With the most cordial of salutations do I pen this rather involute letter to members of the Indian diaspora. Needless to say, I risk, by dint of this letter, earning caustic sneers. For who am I but an unknown blogger in a remote part of this nation; home to a sixth of humanity? How, pray,Continue reading “THE GREAT INDIAN FRATERNITY — LETTER FROM AN INDIAN TO THE INDIAN DIASPORA”


Let every man judge according to his own standards, by what he has himself read, not by what others tell him. Albert Einstein This so aptly summates the philosophy of individual liberty, which is the philosophical foundation of classical liberalism. Indeed, this paradigm is most congruous with the prepotence of modern Science. To one studyingContinue reading “DELUSIONAL INDIA — THE DOOM OF REASON”